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 Sunday 13 October       sunrise  07:30   sunset  18:34   Daylight: 11 hrs 04 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 FogFog 10.3° - 5 km/h   Light air 19.6 NNE - 61 % 1019.3 hPa
01 - 02 FogFog 10.2° - 4.7 km/h   Light air 27.1 NNE - 73 % 1019.7 hPa
02 - 03 FogFog 10.1° - 5.4 km/h   Light air 43.5 NE - 84 % 1019.9 hPa
03 - 04 FogFog 9.8° - 9 km/h   Light breeze 74.9 ENE - 84 % 1019.9 hPa
04 - 05 FogFog 9.9° - 8.3 km/h   Light breeze 267.8 West - 99 % 1019.5 hPa
05 - 06 FogFog 10.2° - 7.2 km/h   Light air 292.6 WNW - 100 % 1019.5 hPa
06 - 07 FogFog 10.5° - 7.2 km/h   Light air 267.6 West - 100 % 1019.4 hPa
07 - 08 FogFog 10.4° - 6.8 km/h   Light air 265.2 West - 100 % 1019.1 hPa
08 - 09 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 10.4° - 8.3 km/h   Light breeze 264.5 West - 81 % 1019 hPa
09 - 10 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 10.9° - 12.2 km/h   Light breeze 263.5 West - 63 % 1019.3 hPa
10 - 11 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 12° - 13 km/h   Light breeze 254.9 WSW
68 % 1018.8 hPa
11 - 12 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 13.4° - 13.7 km/h   Gentle breeze 246 WSW
83 % 1018.6 hPa
12 - 13 CloudyCloudy 14.5° - 12.6 km/h   Light breeze 242.6 WSW
100 % 1017.9 hPa
13 - 14 CloudyCloudy 15.3° - 13.3 km/h   Gentle breeze 233.7 SW
100 % 1017.5 hPa
14 - 15 CloudyCloudy 15.5° - 14.4 km/h   Gentle breeze 224.8 SW
99 % 1016.5 hPa
15 - 16 CloudyCloudy 15.4° - 14 km/h   Gentle breeze 237.2 WSW
98 % 1015.6 hPa
16 - 17 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 15.3° - 13.7 km/h   Gentle breeze 246.1 WSW
43 % 1015.5 hPa
17 - 18 Clear skyClear sky 15.4° - 12.6 km/h   Light breeze 245.4 WSW - - 1015 hPa
18 - 19 FairFair 14.2° - 10.4 km/h   Light breeze 237.3 WSW - 27 % 1014.9 hPa
19 - 20 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 12.3° - 11.2 km/h   Light breeze 264.1 West - 100 % 1015.5 hPa
20 - 21 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 11.6° - 11.5 km/h   Light breeze 295.6 WNW - 100 % 1015.8 hPa
21 - 22 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 10.8° - 10.8 km/h   Light breeze 313.6 NW - 99 % 1015.4 hPa
22 - 23 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 9.4° - 10.8 km/h   Light breeze 335.1 NNW - 100 % 1015.2 hPa
23 - 00 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 9.6° - 10.1 km/h   Light breeze 337.1 NNW - 100 % 1015.4 hPa
 Monday 14 October       sunrise  07:31   sunset  18:32   Daylight: 11 hrs 01 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 9.5° - 9.4 km/h   Light breeze 333.2 NNW - 100 % 1015.4 hPa
01 - 02 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 9.7° - 8.3 km/h   Light breeze 335.9 NNW - 100 % 1015.2 hPa
02 - 03 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 10° - 7.2 km/h   Light air 340.4 NNW - 100 % 1015.4 hPa
03 - 04 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 10° - 5 km/h   Light air 337.8 NNW - 86 % 1015.4 hPa
04 - 05 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 10° - 7.2 km/h   Light air 326.3 NW - 70 % 1015 hPa
05 - 06 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 9.8° - 12.2 km/h   Light breeze 315.7 NW - 99 % 1014.8 hPa
06 - 07 CloudyCloudy 10.3° - 13.3 km/h   Gentle breeze 308.7 NW - 98 % 1014.9 hPa
07 - 08 CloudyCloudy 10.7° - 12.6 km/h   Light breeze 310.2 NW - 100 % 1015.1 hPa
08 - 09 CloudyCloudy 11° - 10.1 km/h   Light breeze 319.5 NW - 100 % 1015.4 hPa
09 - 10 CloudyCloudy 13.2° - 11.9 km/h   Light breeze 314.8 NW - 95 % 1015.9 hPa
10 - 11 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 16.8° - 12.2 km/h   Light breeze 273.1 West
97 % 1016 hPa
11 - 12 FairFair 18.4° - 11.5 km/h   Light breeze 231.5 SW
19 % 1016.1 hPa
12 - 13 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 18.9° - 13.7 km/h   Gentle breeze 243.3 WSW
44 % 1016.3 hPa
13 - 14 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 19.1° - 13 km/h   Light breeze 114.6 ESE
51 % 1016.1 hPa
14 - 15 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 19.4° - 9.4 km/h   Light breeze 155.9 SSE
73 % 1015.7 hPa
15 - 16 CloudyCloudy 19.6° - 10.1 km/h   Light breeze 160.5 SSE
89 % 1015.4 hPa
16 - 17 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 19.1° - 10.8 km/h   Light breeze 136.5 SE
56 % 1015.6 hPa
17 - 18 FairFair 17.9° - 15.5 km/h   Gentle breeze 29.2 NNE - 25 % 1015.9 hPa
18 - 19 Clear skyClear sky 15.5° - 16.2 km/h   Gentle breeze 9.5 North - - 1016.5 hPa
19 - 20 Clear skyClear sky 13.2° - 14.4 km/h   Gentle breeze 356.1 North - - 1017.2 hPa
20 - 21 Clear skyClear sky 12.2° - 14.4 km/h   Gentle breeze 346 NNW - - 1017.8 hPa
21 - 22 Clear skyClear sky 11.5° - 14.4 km/h   Gentle breeze 343.7 NNW - - 1017.9 hPa
22 - 23 FairFair 11.3° - 15.1 km/h   Gentle breeze 344.5 NNW - 34 % 1018.4 hPa
23 - 00 FairFair 10.8° - 14.4 km/h   Gentle breeze 345.9 NNW - 25 % 1018.6 hPa
 Tuesday 15 October       sunrise  07:32   sunset  18:31   Daylight: 10 hrs 58 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 FairFair 9.9° - 13.7 km/h   Gentle breeze 342.9 NNW - 28 % 1018.4 hPa
01 - 02 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 9.2° - 12.2 km/h   Light breeze 335.7 NNW - 99 % 1018.3 hPa
02 - 03 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 8.6° - 11.2 km/h   Light breeze 335.1 NNW - 48 % 1018.4 hPa
03 - 04 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 8.4° - 8.6 km/h   Light breeze 338.1 NNW - 76 % 1018.5 hPa
04 - 05 CloudyCloudy 7.9° - 7.2 km/h   Light air 333.5 NNW - 98 % 1018.5 hPa
05 - 06 CloudyCloudy 8.1° - 5 km/h   Light air 325.8 NW - 100 % 1018.7 hPa
06 - 07 CloudyCloudy 9.3° - 5.4 km/h   Light air 311.3 NW - 100 % 1018.7 hPa
07 - 08 CloudyCloudy 10.5° - 5.4 km/h   Light air 320.8 NW - 100 % 1018.5 hPa
08 - 09 CloudyCloudy 10.9° - 6.5 km/h   Light air 338.4 NNW - 100 % 1018.7 hPa
09 - 10 CloudyCloudy 11.4° - 5 km/h   Light air 324.5 NW - 100 % 1019.5 hPa
10 - 11 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 12.9° - 4.3 km/h   Light air 311.8 NW
60 % 1019.9 hPa
11 - 12 FairFair 14.8° - 5 km/h   Light air 263.2 West
21 % 1019.9 hPa
12 - 13 FairFair 16.3° - 6.8 km/h   Light air 214.5 SW
19 % 1019.5 hPa
13 - 14 Clear skyClear sky 16.8° - 9 km/h   Light breeze 198.7 SSW
13 % 1019 hPa
14 - 15 Clear skyClear sky 17.2° - 11.2 km/h   Light breeze 194.1 SSW
- 1018.5 hPa
Weather forecast data courtesy of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK